General Crime

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From minor to serious offences

At Roe Lawyers we represent those accused of any general criminal offence from minor offences to the more serious. For all our clients, we work with them from their first contact with the police, whether that’s when they are arrested or when they’re asked to attend a voluntary interview.

We advise and act for clients at all the stages, from the police station interview through to the Magistrates Court, Crown Court or Court of Appeal. Our team have had a wealth of experience dealing with sensitive cases such as domestic abuse including stalking, harassment, assault, controlling and coercive behaviour. We’ve also dealt with sexual offences such as rape (including those around chemsex), sexual assault, historic sexual offences, indecent images and revenge porn.  A conviction for some of these offences will have ancillary orders attached to them and we’re regularly instructed to amend or vary these, even years past the conviction date. 

We’ve successfully represented clients accused of, amongst many other things:

  • Violent offences such as homicide, GBH, ABH assault
  • Sexual offences such as rape, sexual assault and grooming
  • Online offences such as revenge porn and malicious communications
  • Harassment and blackmail
  • Offences against the administration of justice, such as perverting the course of justice, contempt of court and misconduct in a public office
  • Domestic offences such as controlling and coercive behaviour.

If you need any advice, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. From our first conversation, we ensure that we’ll be by your side every step of the way.

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